Circulator and in line pump
User 'leopompevcmvc' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 64000)
select `ref`, `familyId`, `typeId`, `name`, ifNull((select expression from language│translation where translationId = `product`.`name` && languageId in('en', 'fr') && expression != '' order by field(languageId, 'en', 'fr') limit 1), "") as `[TR]name`, `applicationDetails`, ifNull((select expression from language│translation where translationId = `product`.`applicationDetails` && languageId in('en', 'fr') && expression != '' order by field(languageId, 'en', 'fr') limit 1), "") as `[TR]applicationDetails`, `pumpDetails`, ifNull((select expression from language│translation where translationId = `product`.`pumpDetails` && languageId in('en', 'fr') && expression != '' order by field(languageId, 'en', 'fr') limit 1), "") as `[TR]pumpDetails`, `motorDetails`, ifNull((select expression from language│translation where translationId = `product`.`motorDetails` && languageId in('en', 'fr') && expression != '' order by field(languageId, 'en', 'fr') limit 1), "") as `[TR]motorDetails`, `identificationDetails`, ifNull((select expression from language│translation where translationId = `product`.`identificationDetails` && languageId in('en', 'fr') && expression != '' order by field(languageId, 'en', 'fr') limit 1), "") as `[TR]identificationDetails`, `capacities`, `minCapacity`, `dimensions`, `order`, `remiseId`, `modeleOrder`, `curveWidth`, `curveHeight`, `acs`, `notice`, `pdfData`, `npsh`, `sellerId`
from `product`
where `ref` = 'ILPF100'
limit 1